You might notice that as I go along with my baking that my two favorite flavors in the entire world are chocolate and peanut butter, so expect to see plenty of recipes incorporating those ingredients. You may also come across vegetarian savory dishes that I make at school and they are going to be delicious!
I also have the Let's Eat page which is where I'll post about some of the foods I find around the city and tell you about how amazing they were.
All of the photographs on this blog are taken and edited by myself and I'm thrilled to combine my two favorite arts cooking/baking and photography! If you use a recipe that has been created solely by me in one of your blogs I ask that you link back to my original post. If you choose to use one of my photographs I also ask that you credit me and link back to my original post.
Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions about the recipes!
I'm so excited to get started so let's get cooking!!